Weight Loss

6 Habits That May Lead to Weight Gain and Precautions to Take

Recognizing your bad habits that lead to weight gain can empower you. When you recognize them, it becomes easier for you to replace them with new healthier habits. Here are six habits that could be leading to weight gain and how you can change them. 

6 Habits That May Lead to Weight Gain and Precautions to Take

1. You don’t drink enough fluids

Weight gain can be one of the repercussions of consistent dehydration. You may crave sugar and fat because being dehydrated makes you feel lethargic and lacking in energy. If you don’t drink enough water, your digestive system doesn’t function properly, and your metabolism slows down. Over time, being dehydrated can take a serious toll on your metabolism and other body systems.

Carrying a water bottle and taking small sips throughout the day can help combat dehydration.  While the amount of water needed to maintain hydration can vary on a case-by-case basis, most experts recommend eight 8oz glasses of water a day

With the demands of daily life, it can be a challenge to stay hydrated. Mobile IV therapy, such as IV therapy New Jersey offered by Drip Hydration, Alive Drip, and Vitavive can help. Licensed nurses will administer a drip consisting of fluids and electrolytes at your home to address symptoms of dehydration. 

2. You skip breakfast

Eating breakfast kick starts your metabolism for the day, and fuels your body to take on the morning. If you don’t eat breakfast, you are likely to make up for it by eating more calories at other meals later in the day. You may crave fatty or sugar-laden foods because you feel a lack of energy. Skipping breakfast often leads to poor insulin responses and blood sugar spikes during the day. 

Eating a healthy breakfast can stimulate your metabolism and facilitate weight loss. It can delay the complications associated with diseases like type 2 diabetes because it improves glucose and insulin levels. Eating protein at breakfast increases your fullness and reduces cravings. This means you can make better food choices and eat appropriate portion sizes at other meals. 

3. You don’t eat mindfully

Sitting in front of the TV and eating your meals or snacking means you don’t really pay attention to what is going into your mouth. A whole bag of chips can disappear very quickly while you’re watching your favorite series. 

If you want to lose weight, it is important to be mindful when you eat, paying attention to your body’s cues that you have had enough to eat.  Take time to chew and savor your food, giving your brain enough time to signal when you are full so you don’t overeat. Be certain to drink water throughout your meal, to help aid digestion and help you feel full.

4. You try extreme diets

6 Habits That May Lead to Weight Gain and Precautions to Take

Many extreme diets restrict entire food groups. This may help you to lose weight initially, but it doesn’t encourage moderation and balance in your eating habits. When you follow an extreme diet, you are more likely to experience certain nutritional deficiencies and find it difficult to sustain. 

Eating a healthy, balanced diet that you can sustain is better than following an extreme diet. An example of a healthy balanced diet is the Mediterranean diet, which encourages moderation of several food groups.  Establishing a healthy relationship with food rather than resorting to extreme diets can help you avoid yo-yoing weight losses and gains.

5. You drink more calories than you realize

You may be surprised by how many calories you consume when drinking sodas, fruit juices, and alcohol. Drinking one or two sodas a day greatly increases your chances of being overweight and other health issues. Drinking diet soda is not a healthy alternative, as researchers theorize that artificial sweeteners can stimulate your appetite, prompting you to eat more. 

Make sure you drink enough water and other fluids that are low in calories and only consume sodas, fruit juices, or alcohol in moderation. Herbal teas are a good option, as some varieties, like green tea, are believed to help you to lose weight. 

6. You don’t get enough sleep

If you don’t get enough sleep, it can impact your metabolism and food choices. It can increase your production of insulin and cortisol, which causes the storage of fat. How long you sleep affects the regulation of hormones that control your appetites, such as leptin and ghrelin.

Getting an average of seven or eight hours of sleep every night is best if you don’t want a lack of sleep to cause weight gain. Try to get to bed and wake up at the same time every day, turn off electronics an hour before bedtime and follow a relaxing bedtime ritual. 

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