Vegan Guides

How Long Does Vegan Cheese Last: All The Answers

How long does vegan cheese last: all the answers for you today.
When you go vegan, the first thing that you need to get yourself is a block of vegan cheese.
A lot of people love cheese, and I often come across people who miss cheese terribly. Luckily, there are some amazing vegan cheese alternatives, that often taste just like the real thing.

However, often, at least from speaking from personal experience, I tend to buy a bit too much vegan cheese.

How Long Does Vegan Cheese Last: All The Answers

So, how long can vegan cheese last?
Let’s find out!

Does Vegan Cheese Spoil?

Yes, just like anything, vegan cheese will spoil. Especially if not stored correctly.
It’s also important that you store the different cheeses correctly. I like to store the cheese slices in an air-tight container, tightly wrapped.
For shredded cheese, I tend to seal it tidily and store it in the fridge. Typically, wrap it in paper wrap, and tie it tightly.
As for cream cheese, it’s hard to store it well to avoid spiling sooner.
But a word of advice is always to scoop the cream cheese using a clean spoon. If there is any dirt, the cream cheese will spoil a lot sooner.

How Long Does Vegan Cheese Last Opened

How Long Does Vegan Cheese Last: All The Answers

5-7 days. However, homemade cheese can last anywhere between 3-4 days.
Here’s something funny though – I bought this packet of shredded vegan cheese and forgot about it. 2 weeks later, I found it in the fridge and it looked fine, so I used some of it, haha. But it is not recommended.
5 to 7 days should be enough for you to be able to eat it all up. After 7 days, throw it away.

How Long Does Vegan Cheese Last In The Fridge

Typically, you should always store your vegan cheese in the fridge. It will last anywhere between 5-7 days kept in the fridge.
To store it properly, always make sure you secure the seal or wrap the package tidily. If the cheese is exposed to air, it will go off sooner.

How Long Does Vegan Cream Cheese Last

cream cheese

Cream cheese typically lasts a lot less than vegan shredded cheese?
Vegan cream cheese will typically last anywhere between 3-4 days if kept in the fridge.
Vegan homemade cream cheese should last about the same, between 3-4 days.

How Long Does Homemade Vegan Cheese Last

Not very long. Homemade vegan cheese will last anywhere between 3-4 days. But it’s best consumed within 2 days.
I like making my own homemade cheese, especially when I make homemade vegan pizza.

How Long Do Vegan Cheese Slices Last?


Cheese slices don’t last as long as a whole cheese block. Why? Because they are sliced, means air penetrates them easier, making them spoil quicker.
Vegan cheese slices typically last anywhere between 3-4 days.

How To Preserve Vegan Cheese For Longer

Can you freeze vegan cheese? Absolutely you can. Make sure you use a freezer bag or a container. Once the vegan cheese is frozen it can last for about 30 days before the taste starts to spoil. But it can last for as long as 3 months.
I like using excess vegan cheese. What’s really good about shredded vegan cheese, is I can just grab a handful of frozen cheese, sprinkle it on the pizza, and bake it straight from the freezer.

Frequently Asked Questions:

1. Can Vegan Cheese Mold

It sure can! I have personally witnessed it many times. Be sure to throw it away IMMEDIATELY if you notice any mold on your vegan cheese.

2. How Long Does Vegan Cheesecake Last

It depends on how you store it. If you keep the cheesecake whole in the fridge, it should last for about 5-7 days. But if you slice it, you will expose it to air, which means it will spoil sooner.

3. How Long Does Daiya Cheese Last Opened

cheese toastie

Daiya vegan cheese will last wrapped in the fridge for about 5-7 days.

4. How To Tell If Vegan Cheese Is Bad

You will know it. Trust me. But look for these signs:

  • It has mold in it
  • It smells strong (vinegar-like smell)
  • The shredded cheese is soft and sticky

5. How Long Does Violife Cheese Last

Shredded Volife cheese will last anywhere between 5-7 days. Violife cream cheese will last between 3-5 days. Violife block should last between 7-9 days.

6. How Long Does Vegan Mozzarella Last?

Vegan mozzarella cheese can last anywhere between 3-6 days if it’s stored correctly in the fridge.

7. How Long Does Chao Vegan Cheese Last

Vegan Chao cheese will last in the refrigerator for about 4-6 days.


How Long Does Vegan Cheese Last: All The Answers

Vegan cheese is amazing, and that’s a fact. It can last for quite a bit of time in the fridge. However, be careful how long you keep it though. After a week at the very maximum, get rid of it.
But, vegan cheese is so tasty, that really, there shouldn’t be leftovers ever thrown out!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    25 July 2022 at 15h27

    I am really loving your Brand! The way you write, the photos you choose and the way you cook is just overwhelming! Thank you so much for this wonderful article! 🥰

    I love cheese and I learned so so much! Can’t wait for more 🔥

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