Vegan Guides/ Weight Loss

How To Lose Weight On a Vegan Diet: 6 Steps

There are many different reasons why people go vegan. Some for the health benefits, others for the animals. However, there are also some people who go vegan with the sole purpose to lose weight.
If you are one of those vegans, or you are also vegan for other purposes but would love to see some pounds drop in the meantime, then in this article, I have got a lot to unpack!

Can You Lose Belly Fat On a Vegan Diet?

Yes, a vegan diet can help you lose belly fat. However, one of the biggest contributors to fat loss is by achieving a calorie deficit.
So, if you are eating vegan, but if you are not in a calorie deficit, you will not lose fat. It’s important that you combine a reduced-calorie plan, plenty of water, and physical activity for better results.

The vegan diet does have more benefits though because when you are vegan, you often tend to eat more fruit and vegetables. These foods are high in fiber, which makes you feel fuller for longer, and they don’t have a lot of calories.

How to Lose Weight On a Vegan Diet: Pro Tips

Here are my top tips for losing weight on a vegan diet.
The reason why I am confident to put this guide together is that I have been on this journey before. I have tried all sorts of fad diets, crash diets you name it, so I will suggest my tops tips on how I lost weight on a vegan diet!

1. Calorie Deficit

How To Lose Weight On a Vegan Diet:

I touched on this a bit above, but I would like to highlight the importance of a calorie deficit.
In fact, a calorie deficit is the only thing that will make you lose weight.

Maintaining a consistent calorie deficit will result in weight loss. It really is that simple.
An average adult needs roughly 2000kcal a day. There are calculators that can help you estimate roughly how many calories you need per day, according to your sex, age, weight, and height.
Find what is your rough daily calorie intake requirements, and cut that down but a couple of hundred to lose weight steadily. You don’t want to lose weight quickly, because you will end up gaining it back quickly too.
Slow and steady is the key here.

2. Include More Protein & Fiber Rich Foods

Protein and fiber both help you feel fuller for longer. Why is this important though?
Well, if you are feeling full that means you are less likely to snack or eat more, which itself can lead to a calorie deficit, and you know what calorie deficit means right? Yep, it means fat loss!

The good thing about the vegan diet is that most vegan foods have a form of fiber in them. It’s a bit more complicated with protein, but it’s still quite easy to get protein on a vegan diet.

Here are some excellent vegan protein sources:

  • Legumes (beans, lentils, chickpeas, etc)
  • Tofu (Scrambled tofu is fantastic)
  • Seitan
  • Oats
  • Nuts
  • Seeds (e.g Chia Seeds, Hemp Seed Hearts)
  • Some Vegan Cheeses
  • Soy
  • Peas

And the list goes on!

3. Avoid Liquid Calories And Substitute Them With Water

When I was on my weight loss journey, I used to drink a lot of smoothies for example. the problem is, they digest faster than solid food, and tend to pack quite a lot of calories.
I tend to stay clear of liquid calories of any form (except soup) when I am trying to lose weight.

You would be surprised how many ‘hidden’ calories smoothies or other drinks have.
A large Strawberry X-treme at Smoothie King packs a whooping 600 calories!

On the flip side, drinking plenty of water throughout the day will not only benefit your weight loss efforts but make you healthier as a whole in the meantime.

4. Keep Added Oils & Fat To a Minimum

Oils are really high in calories. 1 tablespoon packs a whooping 120 calories!
A little bit of quality oil such as extra virgin olive oil is fine, but keep it to a minimum.
Try to eliminate if possible, refined oils such as peanut, soy, and palm oil. These are not good for you anyway, so keep them at bay.

As for other types of fats, keep margarine and vegan butter to a minimum too, as they contain high amounts of calories, and are often not good for your body anyway.

5. Limit Junk Food

Every now and again is totally fine, you don’t want to live off broccoli and tofu. But keep it to a minimum. Junk food, even vegan junk food is typically loaded in empty calories.
This includes cakes, cookies, fries, vegan sausages, takeouts, and other junk food.

There are some awesome recipes that are made healthier to satisfy your sweet tooth.

If you cannot go through the day without a treat, make it a small one. For example, have 1-2 chocolate squares instead of half the bar. An oat cookie with your tea or coffee should satisfy your cravings.

6. Plan Your Meals Ahead

How To Lose Weight On a Vegan Diet:

A big mistake is not planning your meals. After a long day at work, you open the fridge and there is nothing ready. What do you do? You order takeout because you are tired.
Planning your meals and shopping accordingly will not only benefit your waistline but your health and wallet too!

Make your own sandwich and take it to work. After work, have a portion of that homemade vegan bean stew with some wholegrain bread. Satisfying and healthy!

One of the best things I did when I was losing weight is pre-planning all my meals. I didn’t cook all of them, but I planned them and bought everything accordingly.
I also planned my meals so that I am in a calorie deficit. So, if I needed 1,600 kcal a day to lose weight, then I would plan 1,600 calorie worth of meals & snacks.


1. Why Am I Not Losing Weight On a Vegan Diet?

If you are not losing weight on a vegan diet, the problem is simple; you are eating more calories than you are burning.
Cut down on calories, and you should start seeing some results.

2. How Do I Avoid Gaining Weight On a Vegan Diet

To avoid gaining weight on a vegan diet, make sure you limit junk food and decrease the number of calories you consume for the day.

3. How Much Weight Can You Lose On a Vegan Diet

The amount of weight you can lose on a vegan diet can vary, depending on your calorie intake and physical activities.
However, on average, people tend to lose between 2 to 3 pounds in a week.


A calorie deficit is key when it comes to weight loss. However, other factors also play a role in your weight loss journey, these include eating healthier, planning your meals, and limiting high-calorie junk food.
Physical activity and a good diet should definitely help you achieve your dream body!

Just make sure that when you decide to lose weight, make sure you intake the nutrients your body needs, otherwise, your health may suffer. You may experience hair loss, fatigue, and moodiness.
Make sure you take care of your body too!

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