Vegan Guides

Plants Make You Stronger Than Meat


Man working out
Plants Make You Stronger Than Meat, and I will tell you why!
Most of us grew up being told that eating meat or animal products will make us big and strong.
What if I tell you, that it’s exactly the opposite? Crazy, huh? Hear me out!

Before you continue reading this article, or if you do and don’t get convinced,  that Plants Make You Stronger Than Meat please watch the documentary called Game Changers, it’s on Netflix. If this documentary doesn’t convince you, that Plants Make You Stronger Than Meat, then I don’t know what will. It shows real facts and the real power of a plant-based diet.

It’s All About Money

It’s all very simple.
All the things we hear and things we are made to believe, and all the things we have been told by society, e.g on the TV, at schools and etc.
It’s all to do with MONEY.

If for example tomorrow for some reason, society finds out that the broccoli will make them tons of money, what do you think they will do?
They will start making us believe how good for us the broccoli is and make us BUY it.
It’s the same for the meat and dairy industries. These two make billions and billions of money.

So, in order to sell animal products and make money, the society makes you believe how good it is for us, they show it everywhere, on TV, on Billboards, they serve it at school, they make parents believe that milk helps kids grow and it makes their bones strong.

So parents start making their kids drink milk, eat cheese and yogurts. All these kids get used to eating dairy because that’s how they’ve been brought to.

Like come on, milk is for babies! Why do humans stop breastfeeding their babies for only 2 years or so? Just think about it.
I mean have you seen a big ass cow sucking milk out of their mother?

Another way they use is through celebrities and athletes. So you are like, “damn, Ronaldo eats chicken wings from KFC, why wouldn’t I?

The most common one is – the protein.
They make you believe that you can only get protein from meat and that you will dissolve into nothing if you ever have to rely on plant-based protein.

The Animal Industry Is Bad For Us In Many Ways!

It’s really sad because it’s insane what people will do for money. The animal industry is killing our planet, and killing us humans in the meantime, not just by the climate change that it causes, but by us CONSUMING it too. So it kills us in two different ways.
Diet rich in animal-based products has been linked to so many diseases; high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, and cancers.

For decades, the majority of us have believed that in order to be an athlete in peak, physical condition, you need meat and dairy. Under the “Got Milk?” campaign, the dairy industry used milk-mustachioed athletes in order to sell us the idea that milk is the way to strong, healthy bones.

And if you’ve ever told friends or family that you’re thinking about cutting back on eating meat, chances are that their first question is “but where will you get your protein from?” Studies have shown that plant-based protein is just as good at helping build muscle as animal-based, if not better! It also keeps you fuller for longer.

These days, ensuring that you’re getting enough plant-based protein, even if you’re an athlete, doesn’t have to be a struggle.

You just need to educate yourself a little bit and slowly include more vegetables and less meat to start with, and I bet you will notice the difference. And you will see that Plants Make You Stronger Than Meat

You will not only get your protein, but you will be so much healthier, you will have a lot more energy, your cholesterol will drop, your blood pressure will drop.
You get so much more than protein from plants, you will reverse so many diseases, your chances of getting cancer and heart diseases will be severely reduced.

man with carrots

Thanks to plant-powered athletes like David Carter (also known as the 300 Pound Vegan), ultramarathoner Scott Jurek, and Pat Reeves and for documentaries like Game Changers, we know that fueling your muscles on a plant-based diet doesn’t have to be hard and is in fact so much better and beneficial, if you do fuel your body with plant-based diet!

Let me introduce you to a couple of plant-based athletes that prove Plants Make You Stronger Than Meat.

1. Kendrick Farris

Kendrick Farris, weightlifting

In 2016, Kendrick Farris was the only male weightlifter to compete at the Rio Olympics — he’s powered by plants. Not only was Farris the sole male competitor for Team USA’s weightlifting division, but he’s also a record-breaker, showing that it can definitely be done with a plant-based diet.

During the 2016 Olympic trials, he broke the U.S. record by lifting 831 pounds and 431 pounds in the clean and jerk. Farris told Men’s Fitness that he went vegan after tracing his ancestry to Israeli tribes. He wasn’t certain on the methods of animal preparation, so he decided that he wanted to try a vegan diet instead.

He officially made the switch in 2014, when his second child was born

Part of his decision had to do with his son that was born at the time. “He’s my second child, and for me, it was a time of reflection — on the things I want to teach him, and the example I want to set for him.” Since making the switch, Farris has noted that he feels better overall: “Now, my body recovers a lot faster. I feel lighter. My mind is a lot more clear. I feel I can focus a lot better.”

What does a record-breaking, vegan weightlifter eat to stay so strong? Farris says that he’s a fan of beans, but he actually doesn’t pay too much mind to what he’s eating, how much he’s eating, and when. Basically, he eats when he’s hungry and chooses foods that make him feel good which are all plants.

2. Austin Aries

Fighting WWE

Standing 5’9″ and weighing in at a billed weight of 202 pounds, professional wrestler Austin Aries may not be the biggest guy in the world of professional wrestling, but make no mistake, this plant-powered athlete is a force to be reckoned with.

Now signed to World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) where he is one of the newly-revived Cruiserweight Division’s top performers, Aries has had a total of 23 championship titles runs in the span of his wrestling career. Now, if you’re not a fan of professional wrestling, you’re probably thinking, “I thought that stuff isn’t real.”
The outcome of professional wrestling matches may be predetermined, but in order to make it, you need to be in peak athletic shape.

When wrestlers signed to WWE or other big promotions aren’t in the ring or traveling to the destination of their next show, chances are they’re pushing their bodies to the limit in rigorous training sessions.
Not only is Aries an incredible athlete, he has been a vegetarian for the past decade and vegan for the past six years.

In an interview with ESPN, Aries revealed that he started his journey to a vegan diet after a man that he was traveling with brought up the link between red meat and health.

Aries Got Interested Into Knowing Where His Food Was Coming From

Aries says that “I think that once I started connecting the dots of where my food was coming from and the reality of that …I started connecting those dots, I couldn’t disconnect them. I couldn’t put my head back in the sand, and I wanted to know more.”

Aries’ book, Food Fight: My Plant-Powered Journey from the Bingo Halls to the Big Time, which details his professional wrestling career and path to a vegan diet. Given his career, Aries is often on the road but says that he likes lentils as a protein source.

3. Heather Mills

Heather Mills skiing

Now known as “the fastest disabled woman on the plant,” vegan skier Heather Mills has lead an incredible life. After leaving home at age 14 in 1986, Mills successfully started her own business. By age 20, she had already built and sold three businesses.

However, in 1993, when returning from the Balkan Crisis, Mills was involved in a road traffic accident that resulted in the loss of her leg. While in recovery, a friend of Mills recommended that she go to the Hippocrates Health Institute. She believed that their alternative medicine practices helped her put her breast cancer in remission.

Clean Plant-Based Diet helped Her Recover Very Quickly

According to Mills, “At the institute, meat and dairy were immediately taken off the menu and was replaced with a whole food, vegan, raw food diet, and natural therapies.” She believes that the clean, plant-based diet is what allowed her body to recover at an incredibly fast rate.

In 2010, Mills opened up a new chapter in her life: professional Alpine ski racing, where she challenged herself with a “black run,” or the slopes that are for expert-level skiers. According to Mills, “I was spotted skiing in a straight line directly down the mountain by a gentleman called Peter Prodinger, who just happened to be an ex-Olympic coach to the Austrian alpine ski team.”

Prodinger was even more impressed when he learned that Mills had only one leg and convinced her to take on professional Alpine ski racing.
One year later, Heather held 5 Gold and 1 Bronze Medal.

A year after that, she won 3 Silver and 1 Bronze Medal.

In 2015 and at age 47, Mills set a world record for the fastest female disabled skier after descending a French mountain at 103.6 mph.
A raw vegan diet helped Mills recover from her initial surgery.

4. Patrik Baboumian

Patrik Baboumian Vegan Strength

It’s no big secret that a lot of people still think that you can’t make gains on a vegan diet. But just look at the Armenian-German strongman and former bodybuilder Patrik Baboumian in order to know that that’s not true.

This plant-based athlete not only holds several powerlifting records, such as the log lift in the 105+kg category, the front hold, and beer keg lifting. In 2013, he broke the world record for the yoke walk by carrying 550kg (1212.54 pounds) for a distance of 10 meters only to break his own record in 2015 be carrying 560kg (1234.59 pounds).

Baboubian told CNN that his desire to be strong stems from growing up in Iran in the 1980s, during the heat of Iran-Iraq War: “I always had that desire of being strong and being able to protect myself, being able to protect others.”

He moved to Germany at a young age and later developed an interest in weightlifting and bodybuilding where he found success in competitions.

He was named “Germany’s Strongest Man,”

While a vegetarian, but according to Baboubian, going vegan made him stronger than ever: “I got heavier, I got stronger, I won the European championship title in powerlifting, I broke three world records so everything was going perfect … my blood pressure went down, and my recovery time was so much faster so I could train more.”

Following his success, Baboumian has become a strong (pun not intended) advocate for veganism and wrote a book in German, Vrebellion-I, where he talks about smashing stereotypes surrounding a plant-based diet and offers tips on nutrition.

How does a world record-breaking strongman stay fit? According to Baboubian, “I eat beans, legumes, lentils and peas, and rice and potatoes to give me the energy to do what I do.”
This guy just proves that Plants Make You Stronger Than Meat.

5. Jehina Malik

Jehina Malic Bodybuilding

Anyone who says that vegans can’t build muscle needs to take a look at bodybuilder Jehina Malik.
Vegan since birth, Mailk, a bodybuilder and personal trainer, is living proof that vegans can build and sculpt muscle.
Her career in bodybuilding started at age 19 when she entered a teenage bodybuilding show — and won.

What motivated her?

In her words: “I grew up skinny and small and having so many naysayers. I also have a passion for human anatomy and love to witness my physique alter and transform before my eyes.”

In 2012, Malik competed in the National Physique Committee (NPC) Steve Stone NY Mets, where she placed 1st in Women’s Bodybuilding Lightweight.

In 2013, Malik placed 1st at the 2013 NPC Easter U.S.A. in Women’s Bodybuilding Lightweight and 1st Overall Women’s Physique Open.

Later, in 2014, she received her pro card from the International Federation of Bodybuilding and Fitness (IFBB), which allows her to compete in national bodybuilding competitions, as opposed to just regional competitions.

Following earning her pro card, Malik posted some words of wisdom on her Instagram, “I followed my dream and it came true, don’t ever, ever, ever give up or allow someone to tell you something is impossible or that your dreams won’t become reality! Take that ammunition and work hard and prove them wrong!”

There are many, many more plant-based athletes I can list, but I believe you get the picture…
Plants Make You Stronger Than Meat and these athletes prove it!

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1 Comment

  • Reply
    19 February 2020 at 10h42

    We agree that there are many arguments out there about which diet is the best, but the less processed food we consume and the more natural pure food we consume is best for us!
    We are glad you found the article useful and well written 🙂

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